Now that you have started thinking about 'In' trip travel costs and things you want to do. Let's get our thoughts organized and choose a resort.
In my world a resort must have basic things for me to enjoy it your parameters will vary. So let me touch on a couple of mine. Hoppin' atmosphere, convenience to things I want to do on any given trip and price structure that is friendly to my budget. There are many more to be covered but that's it's own post.
So here is the thing there is no place like Vegas for many reasons however this means that Vegas is full of anomalies. Just as in my tipping post when I deal with casino floor tipping for drinks the resort reservations in Vegas are an anomaly. The exact same thing drives this anomaly is the gaming. If you gamble you may or may not get deals on rooms. This depends on many factors that boggle my mind sometimes but it's Vegas get used to anomalies. Because Vegas itself is a great and wonderful anomaly. The discounts may vary from cheaper than rack rates on certain days to free suites for as long as you want to stay and gamble. That all depends on how much money your gambling at a casino or casino group. That being said sometimes the 'comps' as it is called in Vegas are oddly inconsistent but that's why I'm here to help you through it.
First if you haven't been to Vegas before I'm going to post an article about setting up a 'Vegas relationship' with the casinos later in the week. So pay attention to that. If you've been to Vegas before you already know about this but read it anyway when I post it. It may be insightful. Either way here's the next step after you think about your resort parameters.
Google Las Vegas maps and print them off. A Strip map and a Fremont map will do. Now look at them in terms of what your entertainment plans are and create a 'walking' circle that encompasses these things. Also note if something you want to do is out side a comfortable range where you will have to use a taxi, adjust your budget to cover that. May I suggest that your walking circle be no further than 5 casinos wide up or down the strip. Anything more and the walks can be tedious. Hence my sectioning of the strip in thirds. South, Mid and North. Yes I know I did not invent this but I bet my sections are different than everyone elves. And you should also make sections in your mind that fit your personal preferences and not someone else's version. Remember be distinctive.
Look for the deals. This does not mean google this means log into your players accounts/Emails and start looking at what the resorts in the area you want to be are 'offering' for the time you want to go. Again first timers I will cover and explain how to do this later this week but after that this will apply. Note that I have compared every possible travel deal site and gimmick over the years and have not been able to travel to Vegas and stay any cheaper than using my gaming relationship with the casinos for room rates. You can try but if you find something better please tell me. So now is the matching up of flights and resorts. While your still checking flights your also checking things like MYTR and compareing rates and dates. Note that the more flexible you are the better. That sounds complicated you say. Well that is why they invented the Internet and Tabbed Browsing. It's 2012 get with the program. And yes I am convicted that Al Gore invented the Internet just to make it easier to travel to Vegas. Hehe
Til next time log in and start looking. TBC ....
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